Also see some intro slides from March 2023 here.
This research is part of UKCEH's response to the Climate & Land and Flood & Drought Impacts challenges of UKCEH's Science Challenges.
Please see the CHAMFER project website and/or the UKCEH Sharepoint site. CHAMFER will develop new and essential knowledge and understanding by bringing together teams from the NOC, UKCEH and BGS to determine how multi-hazards at the coast control coastal flooding and erosion, to quantify how these multi-hazards will respond to climate change and coastal management, and to provide advice to stakeholders on coastal management and adaptation options. |
CHAMFER was included in the presentation of UKCEH projects and models at Flood & Coast 2023 in June 2023 in the UK.
Toby's part in this (working with Angus Garbutt and Matt Wiggins): Coastal storm surges annually cause very significant damage to people and property across the globe. CHAMFER will develop the UM_JULES coupled model to deliver accurate cyclone flood prediction, quantifying the risk of these hydro-climatic extremes to support long-range planning and policy decisions.