Hydro-JULES project website
This project was a collaborative effort to improve the representation of water cycle dynamics in land surface models.
Hydro-JULES Open Meetings:
2018: See here for slides from the meeting held at CEH Wallingford on September 10th 2018
2019: Meeting was held 11-SEP-19 at the Royal Society, Carlton Sq., London
2020: Meeting was held online as a webinar on 9-SEP-20 (see here).
2021: Meeting was held online 13-17th September
My part in Hydro-JULES is:
(1) to develop and improve the river routing and overbank inundation routines within the various Hydro-JULES models (including, but not limited to, JULES itself). Please see other project pages (Menu bar -> Projects -> Inundation above) for more specifics.
(2) I am also task leader of Task 1.4 and I coordinate the Hydro-JULES Summer and Winter School programme.
See also the Hydro-JULES Modelling Framework page.